Control & Controlling Behavior: A Byproduct of Fear, Not Love…..
– Understanding Its Causes and How Coaching and Hypnosis Can Help
Read MoreTransform your life through exploring all kinds of topics & tools about: Mindset, Anxiety & Stress reduction, Hypnosis, neuroscience, information about trauma, conscious/subconscious mind……and so much more.
These are some of my proven strategies and insights!
Dive a little deeper & Schedule your Free Clarity Call!
Control & Controlling Behavior: A Byproduct of Fear, Not Love…..
– Understanding Its Causes and How Coaching and Hypnosis Can Help
Read MoreDo you ever find yourself resisting feelings that you know are there but you’d rather not deal with? Do you have trouble letting go of the past and the emotions it brings up?
We all have this, to some extent. Part of being human is having a variety of emotions, what we may call the good, the bad and the ugly………..
Read MoreHello & Welcome to the New Year, 2025!
These just-passed winter holidays of 2024, were special this year. Hanukkah and Christmas both started on the same night, December 25. This only happens once every several years. Two different calendars are used, the Gregorian and the Hebrew (which changes dates and works according to the moon). This is the fifth time Hanukkah starts on Christmas Day since 1900.
Read MoreIf you experience indecisiveness, you’re not alone. Making decisions can be a constant source of stress and anxiety. Whether it’s a major decision, like choosing a career or a life partner, or a minor decision, such as what to wear that day, being indecisive can significantly impact your life.
Read MoreThere are ways to find a career that matches with WHO you really are, WHAT you want, HOW MUCH you want or need to earn, depending on where you live and the lifestyle you want.
There are many options available; these are great but having too many choices can also produce the sensation of anxiety and overwhelm. So, let’s break it down or ‘chunk it down,’ as coaches do, to smaller steps.
Read MoreAutumn (or Fall) is the season between summer and winter, and we see the leaves changing color, and it’s also harvest season. It’s a time for reflection, introspection and letting go. I see this in my work as a Life Coach NYC, Mindset Coach & Hypnotherapist. The leaves of the trees falling (this is where the word ‘fall’ comes from) is just a metaphor for the natural act of letting go, in order to change, learn and grow, for the improvement of our body, brain/mind, soul and spirit.
Read MoreHave you heard people say, “This runs in my family” or “this has been passed down from generation to generation?.” As we mentioned above, both the helpful and the challenging and not as helpful, can be passed down through the generations. A trait that you notice in your life may have nothing to do with your particular life or the life of your parents. It may be handed down from generations before (and epigenetically, too).
With intergenerational trauma, you can aspire to the most important role of all……to break the chain of this trauma (for the most part). Emotional healing is possible…and, though it can follow a ‘rollercoaster ride’ path (lots of ups and downs), it can shift your way of thinking and subsequently, your behaviors, actions…..and your destiny.
Read MoreAs many of us may know, the conscious and subconscious minds work together. New neural pathways (circuits) and connections are continually forming in your brain and old ones are continually breaking (neuroplasticity).
You can actually use your conscious mind to help shape your unconscious mind........
Read MoreThe 4 A’s Framework and Your Mindset: The Basics
To develop any kind of system, especially concerning mindset, it is important to start with basics.
I am re-posting this one, with a few changes, because it’s necessary to keep going back to the BASICS!
Mindset has to do with habits of the mind. Like everything else in life, ie: brushing your teeth, driving, it’s through habits, routines and rituals, practiced and repeated over time, that we can change or transform anything, including our mindset.
So, we must create new habits to develop new thinking; to change our beliefs and thought patterns, to better and more closely and clearly align with WHO we authentically are, our WHY (life purpose), WHAT we were born to do and HOW we do it (taking action steps).
Read MoreIn my baby boomer generation, we were often given the idea that ‘we could have it all,’ even women………..But it’s not really true, is it? Or perhaps, partially true. We may be able to have it all, but not at the same time. Really though, even if we lived one or two long lifetimes, there’s so much to choose from, so much to see and experience and discover.
Read MoreJust as our planet Earth has the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, so do we humans have lives marked by differing seasons. Each phase or season gives us joy, triumphs, challenges and change. Recognizing each season of our life’s journey helps us to better understand it.
Summer is the season of full bloom, as is mid-adulthood. You pursue your goals with determination, energy and vigor, mirroring the world as it is in full bloom.
Read More“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.” ---St. Augustine
I couldn’t have summed it up better than the St. Augustine quote above. Travel is wonderful; it’s exciting and brings one so much learning and growth. There is no better way to get to know the world; other people, different cultures, new ideas………….
Read More“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” --------Anais Nin
The wonderful season of spring shows us the bloomig and blossoming of the world around us: the tree’s leaves show themselves again and the colorful flowers: daffodils, pansies, tulips, lilacs and more, show their gorgeous faces to us.
It’s also the time of warmth, sunshine, creativity and love. The blossoming of the earth and nature reminds us that we too, must blossom and show our unique and amazing faces to the world.
Read MoreIt’s Spring, the Season of New Beginnings & Transformations…….
Don’t you love springtime? I have to admit that it’s my favorite season of the year……..and I’m not alone in this sentiment.
Spring is a season that symbolizes starting fresh and/or starting over. After months of cold temperatures, rain, snow and, for some of us, living with the winter blues, we and our environment reawaken and come back to life.
Read MoreI recently came across a new word (for me, at least): flawsome and its definition: (adj.) an individual who embraces their “flaws” and knows they’re awesome regardless. What a great word and concept!
Let’s face it; as humans, we are all flawed…….in some way. We may try to hide our flaws but we know that they’re there and are inescapable.
What we don’t often realize is that when we accept these flaws and even embrace them, then we become more whole.,,,,,
Read MoreLet’s continue this journey of coaching and creativity…….
A life (or mindset or creative) coach can help light your path in your journey of exploring and discovering your creativity in the different parts of your life. A coach offers support, guidance, a safe space and tips and tools to help you to get to your creative sources, whether it be in your personal or professional life.
This partnership allows clients to engage in new, original, heart and mind-opening experiences, so that they tap into their innate, unique and creative resources and achieve meaningful, fulfilling and long-term results, personally and professionally.
Creativity in coaching matters. It plays an important role by enhancing the effectiveness of the coaching process, promoting innovation and personal growth and development. Here are some of the ways that creativity works well with coaching………..
Read MoreCreativity is defined as the ability to generate new ideas, solutions and possibilities. It’s the use of the imagination or original ideas. To be considered creative, work needs to be both original and effective in achieving a specific purpose.
It seems that creativity and coaching are a ‘good match.’
Read MoreIn the last blog post, we discussed Glimmers. Now, let’s take a look at its opposite: Triggers.
Wouldn’t it be so nice to be able to put our feelings in a special box and deal with them when we’re ready or it’s convenient? Unfortunately, neither we or our feelings work this way. Too bad, I know….
Read MoreHave you ever been out walking and noticed how the sunlight is warming your face or is beautifully lighting up the trees? You notice that you’re feeling good. You many even pause for a moment, in gratitude. If you’ve had this type of experience or sensation, you’ve most likely felt a “glimmer.”
There is a newer concept of glimmer…………
Read MoreIn this post, let’s find out what emotional dysregulation is and what we can do to learn how to regulate, so we can live a healthy life, emotionally, mentally, physically and even, spiritually.
Unpleasant and intense emotions are a natural part of life. You may feel anger, sadness, anxiety and these emotions are a universal part of the human experience. These emotions are not good or bad; they just are.
What happens if these feelings come too much, too quickly and just feel too difficult to manage?
Many of us experience emotional dysregulation. If you have real trouble regulating your emotions and getting back to ‘baseline’ after getting really anxious or angry, you may have emotional dysregulation.
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