Hi, I'm Dr. Gigi
Free to Be You
For the last 20+ years, I’ve not only been helping people create and transform their thoughts, behaviors and lives and develop their mind and self-mastery, with Coaching & Hypnotherapy.
…I’ve also been where you are.
I’ve been that smiling person who looks sunny and successful on the outside yet is quietly suffering inside.
It took me a lifetime of other people’s noisy opinions crowding my thoughts.
It takes practice hearing the sound of your own voice.
You’re in the right place if you’re ready to:
-Create Mind-mastery & Self-mastery routines that will help you anytime, anywhere…
-Change your unhelpful, limiting beliefs and thoughts to change your life. This is the bottom line.
-Learn the Art & Science (and tools) of Mind & Self-Mastery and changing your limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs, thought patterns and emotions, that will move you forward in a positive way.
-Gain clarity on your life & career goals.
-Connect with your purpose (your why), passions and priorities and the authentic you.
-Live in a calmer and more centered way and take charge of your anxiety and stress.
-Start hearing the sound of your own inner voice and also to recognize those annoying and challenging inner critics (or self-sabotaging voices), so you can pivot, make real changes and finally thrive in all areas of your life. Step into your power!
-Build true, inner confidence.
-Learn new, improved mind, body and life habits and routines, to move you forward to your most successful life.
-Learn long-term and long-lasting effective and practical tools, to rewire your brain, transform your mind and body, and create life-long mental & emotional fitness, so you live a more fulfilling life and feel happy to get up and out of bed in the morning.
-Improve your relationships, and make better decisions and choices, both personal and professional.
You’ll see your mind, brain, body and life transform……right before your eyes.
You're an Original
I believe every person is unique and every individual’s story is important. As the daughter of French immigrants, whose family mostly lived abroad, I’ve always been passionate about travel and curious about different cultures, ways of life and thinking.
I lived abroad for several years, which was both fabulous and eye-opening. I became more aware of my own challenges, which included: anxiety, OCD, fear of being crazy, limiting beliefs, like “I don’t deserve love” and “I’m not enough” and the long-lasting impact of intergenerational trauma. My Parisian born and bred parents were both ‘hidden children’ Holocaust survivors.
I felt unsafe, unsupported and unsettled about who I really was. I knew that I had to learn to recognize and work through my own inner critics and self-sabotaging behaviors and the constant stress, hypervigilance, shame and anxiety I felt.
I understood then, that my body’s sensations and my thoughts and behaviors were messengers, giving me signals for what I had to pay attention to.
Yes; it was really hard, it took years and yes—it’s been worth it!
I’ve learned and grown enormously, in both my personal and professional life. I’ve rediscovered the true me, underneath all the ‘can’ts’ and ‘shoulds’ I was taught and the ‘masks’ I’ve worn.
Success Stories

Ready to Live YOUR best life?
I worked as a dentist and dental practice owner for over 35 years, in midtown Manhattan. I liked the work and especially my patients but knew it wasn’t exactly my calling.
As a Life & Mindset Coach & Hypnotherapist, I could better understand my client’s and patient’s challenges, fears, anxieties, hopes and dreams, as well as my own.
Now, I know I’m on the right path……for me. I had to stop avoiding my feelings and fears and the signals and sensations in my body. I had to change the way I was thinking, about myself and the world, to become the person, coach and creative (I’m a painter and writer) I was meant to be.
I’m honored to be recognized as one of the 17 Best Life Coaches in NYC, by Expertise.com.
If you’re feeling stuck, anxious, sad, off track, lacking confidence or unfulfilled; in other words, merely surviving, then it’s your time and your turn to get to thriving!
-Safe, supported and secure. You feel centered and calmer, in your body and mind.
-You know you’re here to make a difference.
-Truly Confident. You’ve gotten past the ‘shoulds’ and are ready to show yourself and the world, what the authentic you looks, sounds and is, like.
-Aware of your personal worth and power. When you learn how to change the neural pathways and circuits in your brain, you’ll come to understand how worthy you are and how to master and positively express your personal power.
-That you’re a Master of your mind, your mindset and your life (and destiny), living with a Growth mindset, to move you forward.
- Authentically aligned with the true you and with your purpose (your why), passions and priorities (values) and what you’re here to do.
You open the door to the true, creative, incredible you! Now you’re ready to jump up and get the day started!
Working with Dr Gigi has been incredibly valuable. After relocating to a new country and feeling disoriented, she helped me identify what really matters to me and how to prioritize my goals. Her focus on finding balance and understanding my values gave me the clarity I needed to start up my own venture. Dr Gigi's support has made a significant impact during this transitional period. I highly recommend her for anyone looking to gain focus and direction.
-Sophie B., NYC