Coaching Services

From Small Changes to Big Moves

Book a clarity call with Dr. Gigi Arnaud, an NYC based life and mindset coach

Clarity Call

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach who can help with small changes

Small Change

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach who can help with big dreams

Big Dream

“Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.”

– Dr Wayne Dyer


 What is Life &
Mindset Coaching?

Become the Director, as well as the Star of your life

Life & Mindset Coaching help you to Reconnect to the Real you and your unique purpose(s), passions and priorities, so that you can create your own version of success, in a safe and supportive environment.

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach who has been awarded one of the best NYC life coaches

As a Mindset Coach, I’m dedicated to guiding you to reframe and rewire your mindset, brain/mind and to recondition your body to a new mind (body/mind connection). You’ll get tools and exercises for developing a new, healthier and happier state of mind and body.

This allows you to be the very best version of yourself and to unlock your intuition and creative potential. We partner in a thought-provoking and creative process that motivates and inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential.

You must acknowledge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be and what you want to create. You’ve got to have a real desire to change and you must be willing to do the work (inner and outer).

Life & Mindset Coaching stretches you beyond your ‘usual’ (automatic, default) way of thinking and to the career and life you most desire. You learn simple, powerful and very effective tools and habits, to heighten your awareness and make long-lasting and sustainable changes, which best suit your desires, dreams, goals and intentions…and YOUR definition of success, fulfillment and meaning, in all aspects of your life.

This creates empowerment, freedom, peace and joy.


Life & Mindset Coaching will help you:

  • Reduce & take charge of your Anxiety & Stress.

  • Gain Clarity on your Life & Career Goals.

  • Connect with the Real YOU: your passions, priorities, values & purpose.

  • Learn Mind & Self-Mastery.

  • Develop & build up your confidence, courage & mental, emotional & physical fitness muscles.

  • Connect your mind/ body, conscious/subconscious for long-term, sustainable change.

  • Unlock your potential and know your worth & personal power.

  • To be seen & expertly guided to your next-level BREAKTHROUGHS.

  • Make friends with your intuitive inner voice & quiet down your inner critic.

  • Wake up every morning, ready & excited to jump out of bed and start your day.

  • Get in touch with your intuition & creativity.

  • Thrive & live your most fulfilling, meaningful and happy life!


Success Stories


“We all want to understand who we really are and how we can fulfill our potential, while connecting to our purpose, passions and priorities (values).

We want to wake up in the morning and live and love our lives, lifestyles and what we do.

We want loving, meaningful relationships, where we can express and be ourselves.

Really, what we want is to reconnect with our authentic and brilliant selves and become the awesome, successful humans we’re born to be and are meant to be!

Sometimes, we need some help and support, to look inside and learn and practice new tools and exercises that help us develop our best mindset, our best self-mastery, our best selves and our unique and most successful and fulfilling lives.

When you are being you and doing what you’re here to do, then abundance, peace, flow, self-love, freedom and JOY become your friends.”

With smiles and love,

Dr. Gigi Arnaud

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach based in Manhattan, NYC

Central to my coaching is getting to the basics: your underlying beliefs and thoughts and who you authentically are, under all the layers that your family, society and life have piled on you. These beliefs and thought patterns are, typically, stored in your subconscious mind and are running most of your thoughts, behaviors, actions and life and most of the time, you don’t even know it.

The truth is that most of these thoughts aren’t really yours. 

They’re the ‘can’ts’ and ‘shoulds’ that limit and block you, passed down to you from others.

Together, we start changing these thoughts to more helpful and positive ones, and we upgrade your mindset & mental fitness (exercises) so you can move forward and appreciate the beautiful, awe-inspiring person you are.


My Most Popular
Mindset & Mastery Coaching Packages

(If you don’t see a package that suits you, please contact me
and we’ll see how I can support you).


1:1 Life & Mindset Coaching

1-month package 

For small pivots: ie: work/career promotion, work/life balance, working through a specific challenge, in your life or at work.

It includes:

4 sessions, one-hour each + one free Clarity call + text message access 

3-month package:

For bigger, long-term changes, in your thoughts, mindset, body/mind connection, life and work.

This is usually the minimum needed for momentum and long-lasting and sustainable change, and for new, improved habit and routine formation.

It includes:

12 sessions, one-hour each + one free Clarity call + text message access.

Mindset & Mastery Package

3-Month 6-Month & 12-Month Life & Mindset Coaching Packages

You’ll learn the basics about how the brain (and mind and body) works and learn practical and effective tools & exercises to turn the volume down on your inner critic voices and to increase the volume on your authentic inner voice.

You’ll learn the ‘mindset & mastery fitness’ reps and exercises needed to go from self-sabotage to mind and self-mastery.

This is the bottom line; once you’re able to master your thoughts, mind and emotions, you master your life!

To develop and absorb new habits, practices and routines, you need time, momentum, repetition—it’s about practice, practice, practice—to make progress.

These packages allow to go deeper so that you learn how to develop mind & self-mastery, to transform every aspect of your life so that you move you forward and into the life you dream of, deserve and love!

Dr. Gigi Arnaud Coaching offers several packages for Mindset Life Coaching and Hypnosis.

 Group Life &
Mindset Coaching

4-6 people, who want to approach a goal, or subject, with learning and input from others, too.

Number of sessions depends on the group’s desires & needs.

Group coaching is also a great fit for: Mindset &Mastery Coaching, whether for you personally, for your friends/family and/or for your business or company.

Please contact me and we can customize this package, according to your desires and needs.


Mind Mastery

This is an intensive 2-hour session, so you can dip your toes into and try out coaching, while learning how to master your mind to master your life.

You set a specific goal or intention and we’ll find clarity, help you to solve the problem and help you to move forward toward your goal and/or in your habits, routines and mindset.

 What Working together will look like:

  • A safe, supportive space.

  • Compassionate and deep listening.

  • Straightforwardness.

  • Fun; humor and laughter are part of the process and must be part of your life!

  • Encouragement (I’m your personal cheerleader 😃).

  • No judgement.

  • We’ll dig deep and do the work needed to change your thoughts and mindset, to change your life.

  • Learning to create, develop and practice your own Mindset & Mastery plan.

  • Step by step accountability, momentum and progress.

  • Developing a positive, growth mindset.

  • A journey to your self-discovery and re-connection with the amazing, brilliant and unique you.

  • A coaching partnership to get you to your new reality and the life you truly want.

What working will look like with Dr. Gigi Arnaud is an NYC based life and mindset coach

Find Your New Best Life

With Coaching & Hypnotherapy

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