
Dr Gigi Life and Mindset Coach NYC

My Blog

Transform your life through exploring all kinds of topics & tools about: Mindset, Anxiety & Stress reduction, Hypnosis, neuroscience, information about trauma, conscious/subconscious mind……and so much more.

These are some of my proven strategies and insights!

E-Book: 7 Life-Changing MIND SHIFTS…For YOUR Success & Fulfillment

You’re tired of feeling stuck, sad, anxious, empty and/or that something is missing or wrong….

This checklist, when put into action, gives you the tools and personal power to change and improve your thought and belief patterns, so that your inside (inner voice, dreams, desires) matches your outside (your present reality).

It’s time for you to blossom into the real you and transform your results, personally and professionally and live YOUR unique vision and version of SUCCESS.

Sleep Glorious Sleep

Sleep. You spend approximately one-third of your life doing it. Some love it; some would prefer not to ‘waste’ so much time doing it. Yet, it is a biological, mental, emotional, physical and even, spiritual, necessity.

In this book, you’ll find tools, techniques and solutions that help you to have and enjoy restful, relaxing and rejuvenating sleep and to learn to enjoy the benefits, beauty and pleasure of sleep, as vital to us as food, movement and breathing.