6 Reasons why most New Year’s Resolutions don’t stick

 It’s that time of year again and most of us decide to make our list (written or not) of New Year’s resolutions. And we really try to keep them….and some of us (23%) quit their resolutions after one week and only 19% stick to their goals long term (2 years, in the case of a study at the University of Scranton).

Whether they decide to lose weight, get organized, pay off their debt or something else and despite their best efforts, most folks feel discouraged by their lack of willpower within the first few days of the new year. Most quickly abandon their goals.

If this sounds like you, you’re not the only one; trouble keeping a New Year’s resolution is a common phenomenon.


This is why most New Year’s resolutions don’t stick:

1)Not Really Ready to Change:

As a Life & Mindset coach and Hypnotherapist, I’m aware that, even if you stand on your head or use all the willpower you can muster, if you’re not ready to change (subconscious), you probably won’t.

Many of us feel pressure at the New Year and want to declare how we’re going to change our life. So, we set a resolution based on what we think we ‘should’ do, rather on what we actually want to do.  And the truth is that the subconscious mind really runs our life; it’s stronger than our conscious minds. So, your heart and subconscious mind must be in it.

If your habit changes are going to stick, you have to be really ready to change your life. This doesn’t always coincide with Jan 1st and it doesn’t have to. It’s when you’re ready………….


2)Setting Unrealistic Resolutions:

A resolution is about what you’d like to do rather than what you ‘should’ do.

Know that in order to keep a resolution, you must change your behavior, so do make sure your goals are reasonable.

Like Goldilocks, you don’t want to make your goals excessively difficult so that they quickly become unreachable nor do you want to set easy goals that you become bored with. You gotta get them………just right.

Like all goals, use the SMART acronym: Are they Specific in nature? Are they Measurable (quantifiable)? Are they Achievable, for you, given your gifts, qualities, talents? Are they Relevant; this is the WHY are you setting the goal that you’re setting? Is it possible to achieve them within a Time frame you’ve set?


3)Lack of Planning:

For good implementation, great planning is required. It’s more realistic if you plan the action steps around the resolution, break them down into smaller pieces, and schedule them on your calendar. Bite-size plans create a sense of accomplishment, rather than overwhelm or procrastination.

You have to have a plan. You want to anticipate and answer questions that may come up and make adjustments. For example, If you want to move or exercise more, you have to ask yourself, “Do I have to wake up 30 minutes earlier to do my routine?” and/ or “do I have to go out for drinks less (lots of sugar and calories)?”

Anticipating challenges you may have and figuring out their solutions is key to your long-term success, especially when it comes to long-term goals, providing that this is something you really do want to do.

Here’s something very important:

Those of us who are successful at sticking to their long-term resolutions tend to slip up from time to time, and usually much more than once. No matter. We are human. And many find that their slip ups (re-emergence of unwanted behavior) actually strengthen their resolve and desire to reach their goals.

This is why planning ahead is important and quite helpful; to also figure out how to recover from the slip ups…


4)Lack of Accountability:

Many, if not most of us, need some accountability. Working with a coach, mentor, or accountability partner assures you that the proper energy and drive are present to help you to be yourself, be more, accomplish more and have more.

Success is a step-by-step journey, achieving one goal after another, building up your positive and growth mindset and momentum….

Make sure you work with people that encourage and elevate you, especially when you’re feeling down.

Accountability also means tracking or reviewing (it may be daily, weekly, biweekly, etc.) your progress. When you keep track of your accomplishments, you help yourself in the development of resolution consistency (over the long term). And remember that there will be some setbacks and these are great to learn lessons from!



Do not allow your past to dictate your future. You are changing your thought patterns, your mindset and your behaviors and actions.

You must learn from what you perceive as mistakes or failures. Trust me when I tell you that these are, most often, your greatest teachers and lessons.

Celebrate every step in your progress, focus and stay in the present moment, practice gratitude, compassion (a lot for yourself, too), and love for yourself and don’t let a setback or disappointment stop you; it’s a part of life.

Practice means progress, not perfection and progress (and action) are preferable to perfection.

Believe in yourself, plan well, take actions (one step at a time), learn how to seek help and get the appropriate coaching.

Keep on moving forward. You are not alone!


6)Lack of Clarity:

Many people fail to achieve their objectives because their ‘why’ is unclear. You must know why you want it? What motivates you to do what you do? What ‘emotional’ connection does your why (purpose) have?

With a strong purpose (why), your excuses go away and your mindset starts moving from a more fixed to a more growth mindset.

It helps to visualize; have a picture of yourself in your mind, as if you’ve achieved what you want to. Make the image wild, big and bright, feel it deeply and go back to it, as often as you can.

Remember that everyone has goals; those with strong purpose, a partner (ie: coach), accountability, good planning, a growth mindset and who take action, are the ones who succeed most and more easily.


Here’s a good addition to resolutions: instead of coming up with a list of resolutions, about how we’re going to change, or things we’ll start doing or stop doing, how about taking the time and being thankful and grateful for all we have, all we are, all we’ve learned?…………….You can put your focus on what went well or right, what you’ve learned and what you can look forward to in this next year. Use your creativity and your positive and growth mindset to look and move forward.


Thank you, for having been with me in 2022. Wishing you a very Happy and gentle New Year 2023, filled with health, peace, love, joy and purpose!


With smiles and love,

Dr Gigi


PS: Sign up for your Free Clarity Call @www.gigiarnaud.com before the end of 2022. It’s been 2 years and my prices will be increasing a bit.

I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you better…….and to watching your sweet success!


Change your Thoughts, Change your Mind, Change your World

You are worth it. You deserve it.
You are enough!

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