Dr. Gigi Arnaud Coaching

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The Role of Creativity in Coaching

 Let’s continue this journey of coaching and creativity…….


A life (or mindset or creative) coach can help light your path in your journey of exploring and discovering your creativity in the different parts of your life. A coach offers support, guidance, a safe space and tips and tools to help you to get to your creative sources, whether it be in your personal or professional life.

This partnership allows clients to engage in new, original, heart and mind-opening experiences, so that they tap into their innate, unique and creative resources and achieve meaningful, fulfilling and long-term results, personally and professionally.


Creativity in coaching matters. It plays an important role by enhancing the effectiveness of the coaching process, promoting innovation and personal growth and development. Here are some of the ways that creativity works well with coaching:


1)Creating a safe space:

There is a partnership between the coach and the client that allows for openness, vulnerability and security. This allows you to open up fully, perhaps for the first time, to discover the essence of who you truly are, along with your creative essence (whether it be in the arts, in business, within your family, etc.).


2)Clarifying your Vision & Goal Setting:

Life coaches help you in gaining clarity about your vision and your goals. When you do this and you can express what you really want, personally and professionally, then together, you can set clear, achievable and specific goals which align with the authentic you; your purpose, passions, priorities and core values.


3)Generating Unique Solutions:

Coaches can encourage and help clients to think outside the box, become aware of alternative perspectives and develop creative strategies and solutions that they weren’t aware of before.


4)Digging into your Potential & Inspiring Exploration:

You have undiscovered potential just waiting and ready to be revealed. When you discover your talents and skills, you build confidence. You’re also encouraged to continue your journey of self-exploration and self-awareness.

As a Life & Mindset Coach & Hypnotist, I help clients to go ‘under and beyond’ what they’re saying and thinking (to themselves and to others) so that they get to their core issues, to be able to look at them, work through them, accept them and move forward.

Creativity allows coaches to use unique and innovative exercises and techniques that go beyond traditional methods. This can be so helpful for clients to discover their hidden talents, to be open to exploring new paths and to gain a new perspective and insights into their situations.


5)Developing a Growth Mindset:

A growth mindset shows you that you can always change and grow (brain, mind & body), at any age and at any stage. With a Life & Mindset Coach, you learn about neuroplasticity and changing the neural pathways in your brain, not to mention the emphasis on learning, resilience and moving forward.

Instead of a fixed mindset, which tells you that you cannot change and that you are how you are (untrue), learning how to develop a growth mindset helps you to accept the challenges and uncertainties we all must face in our lives. You learn how to see potential in every situation…………


6)Challenging Limiting Beliefs & Thoughts (Blocks)

Your coach can help you to challenge your limiting, negative beliefs, assumptions and habits, that you may be living with for years and may have held you back.

Together you can find out about new ways of thinking, new perspectives for your life, and sources of inspiration.

This can be a transformative experience and commitment, honesty, openness and taking action is necessary for you to really learn.


7)Visualization (& other creative techniques):

Visualization techniques allow clients to vividly imagine and create, their desired outcomes. This gives them a sense of purpose, increases their motivation and their goals and dreams are more attainable.


8)Language: Analogies & Metaphors:

Coaches can use metaphors and analogies to illustrate more complex concepts or challenges in a more understandable and usable way.


9)Experimenting & Fun:

With creativity comes a sense of playfulness, and experimentation. Coaching sessions can be fun and allow clients to explore different perspectives and attitudes within a safe, supporting and encouraging environment.


10)Encouraging Risk-Taking:

Creative coaching encourages clients to embrace uncertainty and to take calculated risks, needed for their personal growth, their ability to step into new opportunities and for resilience.


11)Developing & Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills:

Certain creative techniques, like brainstorming, writing, art exercises and more, help clients to explore ‘out of the box’ solutions and overcome obstacles.



With creativity comes flexibility in thinking and learning how to adapt to change. These are essential qualities for all aspects of life.


13)Taking Action:

With your coach, you will develop structured and actionable plans (with steps broken down) to attain your goals. You’ll learn how to break down your goals and intentions into smaller, more easily doable and manageable steps.

Accountability, commitment and repetition are part of the process and you develop motivation (momentum) and focus.



Many folks have busy lives and time, emotional management, self-care, holistic development, creativity and more can be integrated into your daily life. Coaching really helps in prioritizing and managing time effectively.

Even if you’re busy and even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, it’s essential that you fit some creative time, alone time and self-care time into your schedule. You can do it and need to, for your own success and fulfillment.


The partnership between coaching & creativity requires coaches to be open-minded, adaptable and willing to try new tools, techniques and approaches, that will resonate with their client.

When this happens, an engaging, exciting, mind-opening and heart-opening coaching experience occurs that empowers clients to tap into their own innate, creative resources and achieve meaningful, and long-term results.


The support, insights, tools and techniques provided by life coaches contribute immensely to create a client’s fulfilling and successful life.


Enjoy the journey!


With smiles & love,

Dr Gigi


PS: Book your Clarity Call @www.gigiarnaud.com

………and let your creativity soar!


Change your Thoughts, Change your Mind, Change the World