Create a New Story.

Believe It, Be It & See It!

Create your new Narrative & Live a life you love!

With Coaching & Hypnotherapy

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Reconnect to the REAL You

Deep inside, you know that you’re meant for more; to take the lead or uplevel your career,  start your own business, the one you know you’re uniquely meant for, to have better and more fulfilling relationships……to finally become the whole and amazing person who you were born to be and are meant to be.

You’re becoming aware that your old, automatic, default thoughts and beliefs (that are not necessarily yours) are no longer serving you. You know this and you’re ready to change, so that you feel more like you and become the most authentic, most empowered and best version of you.You want to attain your goals and dreams that are in integrity with who you truly are.

As a Life & Mindset Coach, I help you uncover the beliefs, blocks, behaviors, habits and patterns of thinking that are holding you back and preventing you from living the life you really desire, personally and professionally.

You will learn to realign what you want, at the conscious level, with the unconscious beliefs, patterns, behaviors, habits and programs that are running in the background and have been leading your life…

We unlock these patterns so we can shift and remove them and replace them with new ones. In this way, you move forward and achieve your goals more quickly and easily.

If you’re looking to become the best and most authentic version of yourself, then welcome……..

You’re in the right place.


Success Stories


 Ready to unlock even greater potential?

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is an NYC based life and mindset coach

Go from Surviving to Thriving

Hi, I'm Dr. Gigi

Have you had enough of those repetitive, anxious, negative thoughts circling around in your head, telling you that you ‘can’t’ or ‘shouldn’t’? 

It’s time to stop playing small.

It’s time to make a change…or many. And it all starts with recognizing the sensations and emotions stored in your body and the unhelpful, limiting and negative thoughts and beliefs ‘stuck’ in your mind.

For the last 20 years, as a Life & Mindset Coach and hypnotherapist, I’ve been helping people get unstuck and change to change their mindset, habitual thought patterns and emotions, so that their behaviors and actions change as a result. They can then create the better and more brilliant life they want and love, personally and professionally.

I’ve also been where you are. I struggled with anxiety and repetitive, negative thoughts, about myself and the world, for years. I knew I wanted to feel more empowered, with more freedom, independence and flexibility in my work and life. So I did the necessary work to change from the inside out and to unlock the traps inside my own mind. This has allowed me to live the life that I had dreamed of and now, live and love.

And I want to help you do the same.

Make it happen!

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach based in Manhattan, NYC that helps clients around the world transform their lives.

Change your Thoughts to Change your Life

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach based in Manhattan, NYC that helps clients around the world transform their lives.

Find Authentic Direction by Learning to Listen to Your Inner Voice

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach based in Manhattan, NYC that helps clients around the world transform their lives.

Take Action & Move Forward to the Life You Really Desire

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."


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How Can Life, Mindset Coaching & Hypnotherapy Help You?

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach based in Manhattan, NYC that helps clients around the world transform their lives.

Take Charge of
Anxiety & Stress

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach based in Manhattan, NYC that helps clients around the world transform their lives.

Support A Career Direction
or Change

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach based in Manhattan, NYC that helps clients around the world transform their lives.

Gain Confidence, Freedom
and Flexibility

Working Together: Find Your Genius

From small changes to big moves.

In our work together, we’ll start with your thoughts, emotions and habits because learning to change means unlearning unhelpful patterns that are holding you back. Whether it’s a small change or a big move forward, personal and/or professional, you’ll learn to see, feel and measure your success. Your life will align with your intentions and the authentic you.

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach based in Manhattan, NYC

 As Featured In…

Find Your New Best Life

With Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach and speaker

Have Dr. Gigi Speak at Your Next Event


 Get Your Copy of
Sleep Glorious Sleep
on Amazon Kindle

Sleep. You spend approximately one-third of your life doing it. Some love it; some would prefer not to ‘waste’ so much time doing it. Yet, it is a biological, mental, emotional, physical and even, spiritual, necessity.

In this book, you’ll find tools, techniques and solutions that help you to have and enjoy restful, relaxing and rejuvenating sleep and to learn to enjoy the benefits, beauty and pleasure of sleep, as vital to us as food, movement and breathing.

Dr. Gigi Arnaud is a life and mindset coach and author of Sleep, Glorious Sleep