It’s Spring, the Season of New Beginnings & Transformations

It’s Spring, the Season of New Beginnings & Transformations…….

Don’t you love springtime? I have to admit that it’s my favorite season of the year……..and I’m not alone in this sentiment.

Spring is a season that symbolizes starting fresh and/or starting over. After months of cold temperatures, rain, snow and, for some of us, living with the winter blues, we and our environment reawaken and come back to life.

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10 Ways to Embrace your Flaws & Reframe your Life

I recently came across a new word (for me, at least): flawsome and its definition: (adj.) an individual who embraces their “flaws” and knows they’re awesome regardless. What a great word and concept!

Let’s face it; as humans, we are all flawed…….in some way. We may try to hide our flaws but we know that they’re there and are inescapable.

What we don’t often realize is that when we accept these flaws and even embrace them, then we become more whole.,,,,,

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The Role of Creativity in Coaching

Let’s continue this journey of coaching and creativity…….

A life (or mindset or creative) coach can help light your path in your journey of exploring and discovering your creativity in the different parts of your life. A coach offers support, guidance, a safe space and tips and tools to help you to get to your creative sources, whether it be in your personal or professional life.

This partnership allows clients to engage in new, original, heart and mind-opening experiences, so that they tap into their innate, unique and creative resources and achieve meaningful, fulfilling and long-term results, personally and professionally.

Creativity in coaching matters. It plays an important role by enhancing the effectiveness of the coaching process, promoting innovation and personal growth and development. Here are some of the ways that creativity works well with coaching………..

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Art & Creativity…… the Coaching Process

Creativity is defined as the ability to generate new ideas, solutions and possibilities. It’s the use of the imagination or original ideas. To be considered creative, work needs to be both original and effective in achieving a specific purpose.

It seems that creativity and coaching are a ‘good match.’

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What is an Emotional Trigger?

 In the last blog post, we discussed Glimmers. Now, let’s take a look at its opposite: Triggers.

 Wouldn’t it be so nice to be able to put our feelings in a special box and deal with them when we’re ready or it’s convenient? Unfortunately, neither we or our feelings work this way. Too bad, I know….

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What is a Glimmer?

Have you ever been out walking and noticed how the sunlight is warming your face or is beautifully lighting up the trees? You notice that you’re feeling good. You many even pause for a moment, in gratitude. If you’ve had this type of experience or sensation, you’ve most likely felt a “glimmer.”

There is a newer concept of glimmer…………

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What is Emotional Dysregulation?

In this post, let’s find out what emotional dysregulation is and what we can do to learn how to regulate, so we can live a healthy life, emotionally, mentally, physically and even, spiritually.

Unpleasant and intense emotions are a natural part of life. You may feel anger, sadness, anxiety and these emotions are a universal part of the human experience. These emotions are not good or bad; they just are.

What happens if these feelings come too much, too quickly and just feel too difficult to manage?

Many of us experience emotional dysregulation. If you have real trouble regulating your emotions and getting back to ‘baseline’ after getting really anxious or angry, you may have emotional dysregulation.

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Emotional Regulation: 9 Skills & Strategies to Regulate & Manage Emotions

 We know that emotions are a regular part of daily life. It’s holiday time and we may feel happy (and anxious) to see friends and loved ones and we may feel sad when we miss loved ones or angry when someone lets us down.

While we, consciously, know and expect to feel these emotions, some of us may experience emotions that are more volatile, with higher highs and lower lows. These ups and downs can impact your life and your relationships.

No matter what the reason is for intense emotional changes, we can learn better self-regulation and strategies to manage and control our emotions.

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7 Reasons why it can be Hard to be Authentic

We start out in life as who we are; open, curious, innocent….

As we grow, we add layers to our experience and of how people think we should be and the ‘rules’ of our particular community and society. These get repeated and replayed and we may find our real selves disappearing, little by little. We often conform in order to feel safe and when we don’t, we may believe there is something wrong with us.

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9 Tips toward Authenticity

Want to give yourself the greatest gift?……………Accept the Authentic YOU!

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”                                                                                  -------Ralph Waldo Emerson


It’s holiday season and many are thinking about gifts to give to those we love.

Do you think of giving the most important person in your life……….YOU……..a gift?

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The Ways We Love & Live

Each of us is a unique & beautiful being and we are meant to live our life aligned with who we really are (authentic).

Whether you choose to be single or to be in a relationship, these are both valid options for living your life…and one is not better than the other.

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How to Find Your Life Purpose

You like your lifestyle, your job, where you live but…………’s not exciting you anymore. Your life looks great and successful on the outside, but inside, you feel like something is missing.

The truth is we can follow what society, our families and our communities tell us to do but, in the end we’re all trying to figure out why we’re here, on this Earth.

As many other cultures know, without a sense of your life purpose, you’ll continue feeling stuck or like you’re spinning around in circles.

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It’s Autumn (Fall), the Season for Letting Go

When you look at nature and the flow of the seasons, it becomes clear that autumn is a spiritually unique season. Autumn is all about endings, a very natural thing.

In life, each journey finds its end and fall (look at the name) is a seasonal reminder of this natural process.As humans, we tend to hold on to what and who we know and sometimes, we cling when we’re better off letting go. We like safety, familiarity and certainty and we may not realize that there’s something better out there for us. We just have to let go and wait.

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Introvert………Ambivert………Extrovert: What are the Differences? (Part 2)

 In Part 1, we went over some of the differences between introverts and extroverts and that most of us are ambiverts, sitting somewhere in the middle of this spectrum or continuum of PERSONALITY TYPES.

In Part 2, we’ll continue to look at the different personality types, and where they get their ENERGY from.

Enjoy the list of famous INTROVERTS and their successes! It may surprise you ……

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The Benefits of Being Happy Alone (Solitude)

Yes; you’re seeing that right………..there are many BENEFITS of being alone!

I know that in our society, we’re not encouraged to be alone………for silence, introspection, to hear your intuitive inner voice, to unwind, and be creative.

Learning and adopting some habits and self-care practices can help you to learn and enjoy being happy while on your own. This can include improving your coping skills, discovering what gives you joy, or maybe finding a creative outlet…….

Read for more TIPS!

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Being Alone is Not the Same as Being Lonely

Loneliness is NOT the same as being alone. You can be surrounded by people and feel lonely. You can be alone and feel free….and great. As a matter of fact, it’s said that if you can go to a movie or show alone or sit in a café/restaurant by yourself and feel comfortable, then you’ve learned to love yourself.

Congratulations! There’s nothing more important than this…….and knowing that you’ll be in great company every day of your life………………….with YOU!

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10 Ways to Replace Negative Thoughts

We all know what negative thought patterns and beliefs are because, to a greater or lesser extent, we humans all experience them, some people more than others.

It’s vital to our emotional, mental, physical and even, spiritual health, to understand why we have them………

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