Dr. Gigi Arnaud Coaching

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It’s Spring, the Season of New Beginnings & Transformations

Don’t you love springtime? I have to admit that it’s my favorite season of the year……..and I’m not alone in this sentiment.

Spring is a season that symbolizes starting fresh and/or starting over. After months of cold temperatures, rain, snow and, for some of us, living with the winter blues, we and our environment reawaken and come back to life.


Spring is the season of blooming; for people and for the earth.  It’s the season for new life and regrowth. The natural world wakes up again and is revived. Plants begin to grow, new flower seedlings sprout from the ground and animals come out of winter’s hibernation.

As humans, it can also be our season to bloom and blossom, no matter where we are in our life journey. A great fact is that the sun comes out every day, no matter what’s going on. So it is with you. Each day, you have a possibility and a choice to ‘spring’ forward, in the path or direction you want to and are meant to.

Spring is also the season for love and its possibilities…….


Astronomically speaking, it has to do with the angle of Earth’s tilt toward the sun. Spring is considered the period between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. Equinoxes are days of the year when day and night are just about equal.

In the Northern Hemisphere, astronomical spring runs from March 21-June 21. Weather forecasters define spring as a three-month period based on rising temperatures. In the hemisphere (southern or northern) that’s tilted closer to the sun, temperatures increase and It becomes warmer.

Animals, who were in winter hibernation come out. Many animals give birth in the spring.


What does Spring MEAN?

The word spring comes from the Old English sprinc or spryng, meaning “a beginning” like the beginning of a day. It refers to the action of springing forth, like a coil when held tight and then, let go.

In the 15th century, this season was called prime-temps (printemps in French), from the Latin tempus prinum, meaning first season. Spring used to be the beginning of the calendar year.

Now, March is the third month of the year, but it still feels and represents the fresh start after a cold season.



Many cultures celebrate the return of spring, the blooming and blossoming of nature and/or the rise of the vernal equinox.

In Japan, the blossoming of cherry blossom trees (sakura) is a national (and even international) event. Hanami, or cherry blossom viewing, is a time for festivals at parks or shrines. Sakura (cherry blossoms) symbolize the resilience of life.


Jews celebrate Passover (Pesach) in the spring, which commemorates when the Jewish people were freed from slavery in Egypt. The day falls on the first full moon after the northern spring equinox and lasts for seven days.


Easter, part of the Christian tradition, is at this time and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.


Mayday celebrations are common in Europe. The maypole dance is a popular folk festival, especially in the UK and parts of Germany. The pole symbolizes sacred trees, the world axis, growth and regeneration.


Here are 12 Reasons why I love SPRING (and why you might, too)

1)milder and more moderate temperatures. Not too hot and not too cold…………

2)more daylight. After the spring equinox, days get longer and nights get shorter. These extra hours of sun is a mood-booster (particularly for those of us with SAD: seasonal affective disorder).

3)you can spend more time outside. This is good for mental health (ie: connecting with nature), physical and emotional health.

4)You’re safer in spring…….statistically. Crime is reduced with more and longer-lasting sunlight.

5)Baby animals enter and greet the world and birds return from their winter trips (migrations).

6)The leaves come out on trees, which allows for a canopy in the hotter summer. This helps keep cities comfortable.

7)Flowers are blooming! It’s been shown that flowers, looking at them, smelling them…..makes you happy. So, your mood gets elevated, sometimes for days.

8)Fresh and tasty produce. With an increase with the amounts of fruits and vegetables in their diet, people feel happier and have higher rates of satisfaction.

9)Outdoor exercise and activity. Moving outdoors is not only more beneficial but makes you feel revitalized with less stress.

10)You don’t have to worry about air that’s too dry (ie: heating). You’re more likely to get a flu or other virus in the winter.

11)You can open your windows. This helps to ventilate indoor spaces, and decreases the effects of indoor pollutants.

12)You absorb more Vitamin D. Sunlight triggers your body to produce Vitamin D, which helps to keep your bones strong.


I’m sure there are many more reasons. I just thought of another one.


-Creativity increases in the springtime. There’s no better artist than nature to show us.


Please let us know why you love spring, too!


Embrace new beginnings in your environment and in your life. This is the time to create new goals, intentions and to start taking action toward your dreams. It’s time for changes and transformations that will allow you to live the life you really desire and that’s aligned with who you authentically are and who you want and are meant to be.


Happy Spring! Look at the blooming around you and allow yourself to blossom, too! You deserve it!


With smiles & love,

Dr Gigi


PS: Come join me for a free Clarity Call @www.gigiarnaud.com

….and let’s talk about your goals, desires and dreams and how to take action steps to get to them, accomplish them and live them. It’s time to live your best life……….and blossom!


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