Dr. Gigi Arnaud Coaching

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How to Find Your Life Purpose

 You like your lifestyle, your job, where you live but…………..it’s not exciting you anymore. Your life looks great and successful on the outside, but inside, you feel like something is missing.

The truth is we can follow what society, our families and our communities tell us to do but, in the end we’re all trying to figure out why we’re here, on this Earth.

As many other cultures know, without a sense of your life purpose, you’ll continue feeling stuck or like you’re spinning around in circles.

A life purpose, or Ikigai (in Japan) or a raison d’etre (France) is your North Star, keeping you centered, clear and focused on your ‘right’ path or what really matters to you and what you want from life.


These days, you hear the idea of Finding your Purpose thrown around a lot. We speak about it as if it’s something outside of ourselves……… but it’s not.

The truth is: the answer is inside you. You already know what your life purpose is. You just have to learn how to pull it out….and then, do something about it.


In this first blog post about your Purpose, we’ll speak about what it is and what can help you to discover more about it. In the following post, we’ll get into more detail and more action steps for you to take.


Here’s a definition of purpose (Dictionary):

-the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists              

-a person’s sense of resolve or determination


People ask: “How do I know I found my purpose in life?

The answer may be something like this:

When you’re true to who you really are, what you want, what gives you joy, when you’re doing what you’re passionate about and using your talent and qualities and creating something that’s in alignment with your core values.                           


Many of you may have heard of the Japanese concept of IKIGAI. You may want to read the book: Ikigai, the Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles.

Ikigai means your ‘reason for being.’ ‘Iki’ means life, in Japanese and ‘gai’ describes value or worth. So, your ikigai is your life purpose or your bliss.

By taking stock of what brings you joy and how you can serve the wider world, you can define your own personal meaning of ikigai or your life purpose.


Why pursue your life purpose or ikigai?

Awakening it can lead to a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness. Neuroscientists, researchers and ikigai adherents have pointed to longevity in Japan. This may not be the only factor but with this high degree of self-awareness and joy in the Blue Zones (areas in the world in which people live significantly longer than other populations) suggest that there may be a connection between a long life span and the pursuit of ikigai.


Components of IKIGAI:

Your life purpose or ikigai lives at the intersection of multiple factors.

These are:

1)Mission (what the world needs): While focus on you, as an individual, is vital, you also need to look outward to what the world needs. Your ikigai connects to something greater. You have to ask yourself how you can contribute to making the world a better place.


2)Passion (what you love): To find the true meaning of life for you personally, feeling ikigai or a sense of joy in fulfilling your purpose, is as essential as any broader duty to the common good.

Self-development is rewarding, challenging and necessary.

Figure out what you love to do the most and keep doing it for the rest of your life.


3)Profession (what you can be paid for): Ikigai means making a real-life difference every single day, both personally and professionally.

Finding a sense of fulfillment at your job or career is a core element of ikigai. Look for a career that sparks your interest, brings you joy and that serves the world, too.


4)Talent (what you’re good at): This is something often overlooked………..not intentionally, though. I often speak to my clients as a Life Coach NYC & Mindset Expert, about talents they may not even see in themselves. Pinpoint what you’re naturally good at. These are often things that you overlook or that come easily to you or that you think everyone else is good at, too. Ask around; ask good friends, colleagues; what are some of the talents or qualities that make you you; that are unique to you? Are you able to enter a room and adapt yourself to the environment, no matter who is there? This is a unique talent.  Are you able to make people smile or laugh? This is another great talent.

See what particular talents you possess and learn to develop them.

When you spend each day doing something you love, that comes easily to you and also, helps the wider world, this will lead you to live a happy and long life!


WAYS to Discover your LIFE PURPOSE or IKIGAI:

We will discuss this in more detail on the next blog post. For now, here are 2 ideas I give to my clients.

REMINDER: thinking only (the mind alone) will not help you to discover your life purpose or ikigai. You must feel it….in your body and heart first.


1)FEEL what brings you joy.

When something brings you joy, your body feels calm, at peace or slightly tingly and excited. When something doesn’t feel ‘right’ for you, your body may feel tense, tight or uncomfortable.

Another hint as to what brings you joy is the feeling of FLOW; that time passes without you being aware of it. For example, I am a painter and collage visual artist, and when I’m doing this, what I feel is 5 minutes ends up being 2 hours of enjoying, flow and bliss.

Define the small things you may do on a daily basis that you love to do, feel like you’re innately good at, and can possibly channel into a career, as well as improve the state of the world. When you experience the joy of little things, this is a tangible form of feeling or experiencing your purpose or ikigai.


2)Try NEW things.

Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert or ambivert (read blog post), you can try new things, indirectly or directly, depending on your preference.

As you learn more and more about yourself and start to explore opportunities, you’ll experience moments (like mine above, with painting) where you’ll feel like you’re in a state of flow-------where everything seems just right, peaceful, blissful…..


REMINDER: It’s more the sensations in your body and feelings in your heart that will let you know what you love, what gives you joy, etc. The mind will do its work after……..

So, let yourself experiment; take different opportunities; take time for self-discovery; let your mind rest & you’ll FEEL what you love to do, what you’re good at, what you’re meant to do and what can also make you a career and a living…..


With smiles and love,

Dr Gigi


PS: Learn more about Life Purpose (Ikigai) & SIGN UP for your free Clarity call @www.gigiarnaud.com


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