Tips for Living in the Present Moment

 I’m sure you’ve heard the advice or suggestion to live ‘in the present moment’. It sure sounds good but what does it really mean?

Living in the present moment means living your life consciously, aware that each moment you breathe is a gift (present). It means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future (as much as possible). We are aware and mindful of what’s happening at this very moment. We’re not distracted by ruminations on the past or worries about the future, but centered in the here and now. All of our attention is focused on the present moment.


Why is Being Present Minded Important?

The ability to be and live in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.

If you’re living (thinking) too much in the past, you can stay sad and depressed. If you’re thinking about and anticipating the future, you’re stuck in worry, stress and anxiety.

The past is not happening any more and the future hasn’t yet happened and will, most likely, not turn out as you thought it would. Past and future are in the mind only----I am now.

Of course, we will spend some time thinking about the past, in order to understand and learn from our mistakes. And we also need to do some planning and intention-setting for the future. We can also try to prepare for what’s to come.

It’s when we stay too much, too long and sometimes, obsessively, in the past or in the future, that our balance (mental, emotional, physical) goes out the window. You want to find the right balance. You’ll know you’ve hit it when you worry less, experience less stress on a regular basis, and find yourself living the majority of your life in the present (and what a gift this is……..).


Over the last several years, it has become more challenging to live in the present moment. Distractions are everywhere: phones, computers, 24 hour/day TV and streaming, not to mention the 24-hour news cycle, continually reporting to us about all the bad things (mostly) happening locally, nationally and throughout the world. Since our lives are now so well documented, it’s never been easier to get lost in the past.

I’m not saying that we should close our eyes and lock ourselves out of what’s happening around us but, we must stop the constant distractions and become more aware and focused; in other words, mindful of what we’re doing, feeling and experiencing and more grateful…..


Given the fast pace and busy, hectic schedules most of us keep, a base level of stress, anxiety, and unhappiness seems to be the new norm. You may not even realize it, but this tendency to get sucked into the past and the future, can leave you perpetually worn out and feeling out of touch with yourself.


There’s a ‘cure’ for this condition: conscious awareness and a commitment to staying in the “now.” Living in the present moment is the solution to a problem you may not have known you had.


What does it mean to “live in the present moment?”

First of all, it’s not just a popular phrase; it’s an evidence-backed lifestyle recommended for those struggling with stress and anxiety in their day-to-day life.

Being in the present moment, or the ‘here and now,’ means that we’re aware and mindful of what’s happening at this very moment. We’re not distracted by ruminations on the past or worries about the future, but centered in the here and now. All of our attention is focused on this present moment.

Here’s a thought-provoking and true quote by author, Myrko Thum:

“The present moment is the only thing where there is no time. It is the point between past and future. It is always there and it is the only point we can access in time. Everything that happens, happens in the present moment. Everything that ever happened and will ever happen can only happen in the present moment. It is impossible for anything to exist outside of it.”


WHY being in the ‘present moment’ is so important:

Being present minded is the key to staying happy and healthy. It helps you cut down on worrying, rumination and anxiety and it keeps you grounded and connected to yourself and everything around you. This connection with yourself is getting harder and harder to achieve, with all of our present day and incessant distractions. Without it, it’s not possible to connect with who you really are, what you want in life; in other words, your authentic self. And without this, you’re living in the world with ‘masks’ on constantly.

At one point or another, to live a fully engaged and fulfilling life, you have to be able to center, slow down and listen to and hear your inner voice……and connect with the real you.


Living in the Now; Why is It so Difficult?

The truth is that we’re encouraged to think about the future or dwell on the past. All the reminders, notifications, advertisements, messages and alerts you’re constantly receiving, are often geared towards the past or the future.

How often are you busy or even engrossed in doing something, when you’re jolted out of your flow by the ‘ding’ on your phone?


Factors that Contribute to our inability to live in the now (present moment):

1)phones and/or other tech. devices.

2)We tend to edit out the bad parts of our experiences, so our past may seem more enjoyable than it really was.

3)We face lots of uncertainty when we live in the present, which can cause anxiety.

4)Our minds simply tend to wander! (We are humans, after all).


As a Life and Mindset coach, I can tell you that we’re not slaves to our brains’ tendencies. It is possible to change and overcome our more harmful or destructive urges and make better choices.


How to Live in the Moment:

To get to the healthy balance of pondering a bit about the past and the future and staying mindful most of the time (in the present), try to keep these TIPS in mind:

1)Think about the past in small doses, and do make sure you’re focusing on the past for a reason (ie: to identify and learn from where you may have gone wrong, to relive a pleasant experience or maybe, to figure out the key to a past success-----more learning).

2)Think about the future in small doses, and make sure you’re focusing on the future in a healthy, low-stress, low-anxiety way (ie: don’t spend this time worrying about the future; just think about it long enough to prepare for it. Then, move on).

3)Stay in the present moment for the vast majority of your time.


If you need help with this, please contact a professional (ie: therapist, coach, etc.).

Of course, all of this is easier said than done but like all new habits of mind, body and even, spirit, you have to practice…………then it will get easier and eventually, become automatic and a new habit will be formed.


In the next blog post (in one month), we’ll talk about TIPS and TECHNIQUES for staying in the present moment…… in the now.

This is not just a phrase that’s used often; it’s a concept that can change your life. It has certainly changed mine. When I’m ‘in the flow,’ and really tuned in to who I really am and what I’m doing and loving it (for me, it’s painting, coaching and my family/friends), then I’m completely in the present moment and at peace (inner peace) and joyful. Truth be told, there’s nothing better!


Enjoy the end of your summer or your winter, depending on where you are in the world!


With smiles and love,

Dr Gigi


PS: Sign up now for your Free 45-minute Clarity Call with me and sign up for your Free Mindset guide and blog posts,too!


Change your Thoughts, Change your Mind, Change Your World

You are worth it. You deserve it.
You are enough!

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